Monthly Archives: April 2017

My poster on LGB smoking for the National LGBTQ Health Conference 2017 #LGBTQHealthconf

The Impact Of Social Cohesion and Distress On The Health Of Race/Ethnic, and Lesbian, Gay, And Bisexual People


Social stress theory posits that minority status (race/ethnic and LGB) can impact both coping resources and health outcomes. The study examines the role social cohesion plays in the health of race/ethnic and lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) populations using data from the 2013-2015 National Health Interview Survey.

The NHIS is a multistage, area probability sample design and is a nationally representative health survey of US noninstitutionalized, civilian population conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. The total number of cases in all three waves was 104928. Analysis was done using R (v 3.3.3) and Rstudio (v 1.0) for windows. In order to properly analyze NHIS’s sampling design the analysis utilized the Survey package developed by Thomas Lumley for use with surveys with complex sampling designs.

Race/ethnic and sexual minorities reported less social cohesion than white and heterosexual participants, and social cohesion was negatively related to measures of distress, and smoking more than a pack of cigarettes a day.

These findings support the theory in that minority groups have reduced people’s social resources (in this case social cohesion).  Lower levels of social cohesion indicates having not as many social connections and relationships with people their neighborhood.  The experience of being a race/ethnic or sexual minority means isolated from other social relationships, which could impact their access to coping resources like social support. This creates a situation very different from that experienced by White heterosexual men and women.

PDF of my poster:  LGBTQ Health Conference 2017 Lombardi