Refereed Articles
Lombardi E. Transgender Health: A Review and Guidance for Future Research—Proceedings from the Summer Institute at the Center for Research on Health and Sexual Orientation, University of Pittsburgh. International Journal of Transgenderism 2010;12(4):211-229.
Lombardi E. Varieties of transgender/transsexual lives and their relationship with transphobia. Journal of Homosexuality 2009;56(8):977-92
Lombardi, E., Silvestre, A.J., Janosky, J. Rinaldo, Fisher, G., C. (2008) Impact of Early Sexual Debut on Gay and Bisexual Men’s Tobacco Use. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 10(11), 1591-1595.
Rachlin, K., Green, J., Lombardi, E. (2008) Utilization of Health Care among Female-To-Male Transgender Individuals in the United States. Journal of Homosexuality. 54(3), 243-258.
Lombardi, E. (2007) Substance use treatment experiences of transgender/transsexual men and women. Journal of LGBT Health Research. 3(2), 37-47.
Moyer, M B, Silvestre, A.J., Lombardi, E.L., Taylor, C.A. (Spring/Summer 2007) High-Risk Behaviors Among Youth and Their Reasons for Not Getting Tested for HIV. Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention in Children & Youth 8:1, 59-73.
van Servellen, G., Nyamathi, A., Carpio, F., Pearce, D., Garcia-Teague, L., Herrera, G., Lombardi, E. (2005). Effects of a treatment adherence enhancement program on health literacy, patient-provider relationships, and adherence to HAART among low-income HIV-positive Spanish-speaking Latinos. AIDS Patient Care STDS, 19(11), 745-759.
van Servellen, G., & Lombardi, E. (2005). Supportive relationships and medication adherence in HIV-infected, low-income Latinos. West J Nurs Res, 27(8), 1023-1039.
Reback, C. J., Lombardi, E., Simon, P. A., & Frye, D. M. (2005). HIV Seroprevalence And Risk Behaviors Among Transgendered Women Who Exchange Sex And Those Who Do Not. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality, 17(1-2), 5-22.
Chang, B. L., van Servellen, G., & Lombardi, E. (2003). Factors associated with complementary therapy use in people living with HIV/AIDS receiving antiretroviral therapy. J Altern Complement Med, 9(5), 695-710.
Van Servellen, G., Brown, J. S., Lombardi, E., & Herrera, G. (2003). Health literacy in low-income Latino men and women receiving antiretroviral therapy in community-based treatment centers. AIDS Patient Care STDS, 17(6), 283-298.
van Servellen G, Carpio F, Lopez M, Garcia-Teague L, Herrera G, Monterrosa F, Gomez, R., and Lombardi, E. (2003). Program to enhance health literacy and treatment adherence in low-income HIV-infected Latino men and women. AIDS Patient Care STDS, 17(11), 581-594.
van Servellen G., Chang B., Garcia L., Lombardi E. (2002) Individual and system level factors associated with treatment nonadherence in human immunodeficiency virus-infected men and women. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 16(6):269-81.
van Servellen G., Chang B., Lombardi E. (2002) Acculturation, socioeconomic vulnerability, and quality of life in Spanish-speaking and bilingual Latino HIV-infected men and women. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 24(3):246-63.
Lombardi, E. L. (2001) Enhancing Transgender Health Care. American Journal of Public Health 91:869-872.
Lombardi, E. L., Wilchins R. A., Priesing D., Malouf D. (2001). Gender Violence: Transgender Experiences with Violence and Discrimination. The Journal of Homosexuality. 42(1):89-101
Reback, C., and Lombardi, E. L. (2001). A Community-based Harm Reduction Program for Male-to-Female Transgenders at Risk for HIV Infection. Pp 59-68 in Transgender and HIV, edited by W. Bockting and S. Kirk. New York: The Haworth Press.
Watkins K.E., Podus D., Lombardi E., Burnam A. (2001) Changes in mental health and service use after termination of SSI benefits. Psychiatric Services. Sep;52(9):1210-5.
Watkins K.E., Podus D., Lombardi E. (2001) The health and mental health of disabled substance abusers. The journal of behavioral health services & research. 28(2):205-11.
Watkins K.E., Podus D., Lombardi E. (2000). Drugs, Disability and Mental Illness: The Impact of Social Security Reform in Los Angeles County. Progress Report January 2000. California Policy Studies.
Lombardi, E. L., and van Servellen G.. (1999). Correcting Deficiencies in HIV/AIDS Care to Transgendered Individuals. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 11:61-69.
Lombardi, E. L., and van Servellen G.. (1999). Building Culturally sensitive Substance Use Programs for Transgendered Populations. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 19:291-296.
Toltzis, P., Stephens R, Adkins, I., Lombardi, E., Swami, S., Snell, A., & Cargill, V. (1999). Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related risk-taking behaviors in women attending inner-city prenatal clinics in the mid-west. Journal of Perinatology, 19(7), 483-7.
Watkins K.E., Podus D., Lombardi E. (1998). Drugs, Disability and Mental Illness: The Impact of Social Security Reform in Los Angeles County. Progress Report December 1998. California Policy Studies.
Lombardi, E. L. (1999). Integration within a transgender social network and its effect upon members’ social and political activity. The Journal of Homosexuality. 37:109-126.
Lombardi, E. L. and Ulbrich P. M.. (1997). Work conditions, mastery and psychological distress: are unpaid housework and paid work contexts conceptually similar? Women and Health. 26:17-40.
Lombardi, E. L. (1995). History repeats itself: the transgender movement in relation to the homosexual rights movement. Journal of Gender Studies. 17:73-83.
Book Chapters
Lombardi, E, Bettcher, T. (2013) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender/Transsexual Individuals Pg. 130-144 in Social Justice and Public Health 2nd ed. (ed. B. S. Levy and V. W. Sidel) Oxford: Oxford Press.
Lombardi, E. (2007) Providing Health Services To Transgender Populations. Pg. 638-652 in Handbook of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health. Edited by Ilan H. Meyer and Mary E. Northridge. New York City: Springer.
Lombardi, E, Bettcher, T. (2006) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender/Transsexual Individuals Pg. 130-144 in Social Justice and Public Health (ed. B. S. Levy and V. W. Sidel) Oxford: Oxford Press.
Lombardi, E and Davis, S. M. (2006) Transgender Health Issues. Pg. 343-363 in Sexual orientation & gender expression in social work practice: Working with gay, lesbian, bisexual, & transgender people (ed. Morrow, D F and Messinger, L). NY: Columbia University Press.
DeCrescenzo, T., and Lombardi, E. (2001) The brave new world of gay and lesbian youth. Pp. 360-378 in Positively Gay: New Approaches to Gay and Lesbian Life. Edited by Betty Berzon. Berkeley, Celestial Arts.
Published Abstracts and Presentations
Lombardi, E Banik, S, Mitchell, K, Zuber, J.(2013) Gender Identity and Expression Measures within a Mid-West Sample. Transgender Health Summit. Oakland, Calif.
Lombardi, E (2012) Examination of health care access and its relationship with HIV positive trans people’s decision to postpone treatment. XIX International AIDS Conference Washington, D.C.
Lombardi, E and Friedman, M. (2012) Influence of structural factors on the HIV status and sex work activity of Trans women. XIX International AIDS Conference Washington, D.C.
Lombardi, E (2011) Coping with minority stress and its impact upon the HIV related attitudes and behavior of gay men. 139th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
Lombardi, E (2011) Social Support And Social Network Impact Upon Trans Health. World Professional Association of Transgender Health, Atlanta, Georgia
Lombardi, E (2011) Transgender health, a review and guidance for future research: Proceedings from the Summer Institute at the Center for Research on Health and Sexual Orientation, University of Pittsburgh. World Professional Association of Transgender Health, Atlanta, Georgia
Gonzalez, C, Lombardi, E, Keatley, J (2011) Substance Use Among Transgender People: Prevalence, Context and Implications for Prevention and Treatment. The 29th Annual Conference Of The Gay & Lesbian Medical Association, Atlanta, Ga
Silvestre, A, Lombardi, E, Janosky, J, Fisher, G, Rinaldo, C. (2004) Tobacco use among HIV negative men: Results from the Pitt Men’s Study. 132nd American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC.
Lombardi, E. (2002) Discriminatory experiences of transgendered men and women. 6th Annual US Conference on AIDS, Anaheim, Ca.
Lombardi, E. and Longshore, D.L. (2002) Discrimination and substance use among transgendered men and women. 14th World AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Lombardi, E. and Longshore, D.L. (2002) Substance use treatment experiences of transgendered men and women. College on Problems of Drug Dependence Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Lombardi, E. and Longshore, D.L. (2001) Substance use treatment experiences of transgendered men and women American Public Health Association, Atlanta Georgia
Lombardi, E. L., Wilchins R., Priesing D., and Malouf D.. (1999). Transgender experiences with violence and discrimination. American Public Health Association, Chicago Illinois.
Lombardi, E. L. (1999). Session Organizer and Presider: Transgender social policy. Pacific Sociological Association, Portland, Oregon.
Lombardi, E. L., Podus D., and Watkins K.. (1999) Employment of former SSI DA&A recipients. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Acapulco, Mexico.
Lombardi, E. L., Wilchins R., Priesing D., and Malouf D. (1998). Gender violence: transgender experiences with violence and discrimination. American Sociological Association, San Francisco, California.
Reback, C., and Lombardi E. L. (1998). A community-based hiv intervention program to MtF transgenders in hollywood, CA. 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva.
Lombardi, E. L., Cargill V., Stephens R., and Gigliotti R. (1998). The effect of social relationships upon substance use and distress. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Lombardi, E. L., Wilchins R., Priesing D., and Malouf D. (1998). Report from the first national study of transgender violence. Pacific Sociological Association, San Francisco, California.
Lombardi, E. L., Cargill V., Stephens R., and Gigliotti R. (1997). The effect of social networks upon the HIV risk behavior of adolescent African-American males. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Lombardi, E. L., Cargill V., Stephens R., and Gigliotti R. (1997). The effect of social networks upon the HIV risk behavior of adolescent African-American females. National Conference on Women and HIV, Los Angeles, California.
Lombardi, E. L. (1996). Session Organizer and Presider: Transgender in the public eye. Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting, New York City.
Lombardi, E. L. (1996). The social network’s of the transgendered and their effects upon distress and activity. North Central Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lombardi, E. L., and Ulbrich P. M.. (1995). The effect of paid work and housework conditions on women’s sense of mastery and distress. Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.
Lombardi, E. L. (1995). Integration within a transgender organization and its effect upon members’ sense of well-being and activity. North Central Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Lombardi, E. L. (1994). The effect of perceived versus actual household division of labor on the depressed mood of married women. North Central Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio.
Lombardi, E. L. (1993). The effect of the household division of labor on the distress felt by employed and nonemployed married women. Midwest Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago IL.